Friday, October 3, 2008

I am in desperate need of camera batteries. I go through them like candy corn on Halloween. I've tried all sorts from rechargables all the way up to the uber-expensive specialty lithium batteries particularly recomended by the manufacturer and I still only get about 45 minutes of battery life. *Sigh* I have new product, but I can't get it listed until there are pictures.

These first few weeks of school have challanged my ability to work in the shop. I have a repair, two commissions and two windows to make, plus new items for the Etsy shop and shows. Perhaps I will just buy some NoDoze and not sleep until Christmas. LOL!

I have all sorts of new things I want to try, including metal enameling and silver bezel setting, but time is my enemy. All I want to do is go out to my shop, get it organized again and create until I fall asleep. Sometimes I resent having to go to work.

1 comment:

Jodie / Lova Revolutionary said...

Heya! My fellow Etsy Blogger & Virginian! I tagged you to expose all your secrets to everyone & all the Etsy Bloggers out there! Give up 6 goods and tag 5 other Etsy Bloggers to do the same!!!